Friday, July 30, 2010

Racial Profiling

The last thing I want to do is turn this blog into a political statement. I'm the person who doesn't read the paper, doesn't watch the news, and walks away from conversations on coffee breaks that turn political. But the recent situation in Arizona is so sad. I have seen the effects of this first-hand. One of my students had to leave her home in the middle of the night to travel to meet her father who had been deported. True, he was an illegal immigrant, but he'd been living in this country for years, held a job, and raised a family. Is it wrong that he wants a better life for his family? Isn't this the main thing we, as parents, want for our children. I think back on that little girl who was getting ready to start high school. She was so bright, hard working, and respectful (how many adolescents can you say that about these days?). Her education is probably over, because she said young girls often do not go on to high school in Mexico. Why is it we are so quick to send money to Haiti, but we can't help the people who are in our own back yard?