Friday, July 30, 2010

Racial Profiling

The last thing I want to do is turn this blog into a political statement. I'm the person who doesn't read the paper, doesn't watch the news, and walks away from conversations on coffee breaks that turn political. But the recent situation in Arizona is so sad. I have seen the effects of this first-hand. One of my students had to leave her home in the middle of the night to travel to meet her father who had been deported. True, he was an illegal immigrant, but he'd been living in this country for years, held a job, and raised a family. Is it wrong that he wants a better life for his family? Isn't this the main thing we, as parents, want for our children. I think back on that little girl who was getting ready to start high school. She was so bright, hard working, and respectful (how many adolescents can you say that about these days?). Her education is probably over, because she said young girls often do not go on to high school in Mexico. Why is it we are so quick to send money to Haiti, but we can't help the people who are in our own back yard?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Donuts vs M&Ms

Today a co-worker offered me a donut. "Take that away from me," I said. "It's brown." To which he gave me an extremely puzzled look. So I explained the mechanics of the brown diet - glazed donuts definitely being on the list. Later on someone left a bag of M&Ms on the community snack table. I'd never seen a bag this big before. It looked like one of those giant size bags you might get at Costco. There were vibes coming from this bag begging people to grab a handful. Did I cave? No, but I figure it's time to head home where my only temptation is a bag of spinach.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I've been a teacher of one sort or another for the last 20 years, but in the summer I work for a technology company. I love keeping up with all the new innovations out there, but I HATE sitting for 8 hours at a desk. During the school year, I often feel trapped in the classroom, but at least I'm up and moving - either at the SmartBoard or roaming the room to assist a student. How do people do this who have to sit all day long every day with only a 2 week reprieve each year??? No wonder Americans are getting wide in the butt.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 1

12,000 steps. Not bad for the first day's walking. BUT... didn't go nearly as well for the Brown Diet. Within 12 hours I was dying (have you ever noticed how many things are brown?). I ate a salad for lunch with an ibuprofin chaser (luckily it's red). I'm sure this is that initial de-tox stage we all go through every time we start a new diet. Luckily this blog is keeping me from caving and heading for the nearest soda machine.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Ten Toes

This is Day 1 of the Ten Toes fitness program. Goal: Walk 10,000 steps a day. In an effort to get back in shape and lose weight, I'm also going on a diet. No South Beach or Atkins or Weight Watchers (been there, done that). I'm calling this the "Brown Diet." My plan is to avoid all foods that are brown. Brilliant idea! Have you ever realized how many bad, but tasty and definitely high calorie foods are brown? Obviously all colas top the list along with french fries, cookies, pancakes (and the maple syrup you slather on them), brownies, beer (I'm talking microbrews, not Bud Light), chocolate, fried chicken, ... Starting to get the picture? So this is my goal. The walking will be a snap, especially since I have such gorgeous parks to walk through. But giving up Dr Pepper??????