Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Pre-K Robot Kits

My niece is turning 4 next month which prompted me to go hunting for a Pre-K robotics set. OMG are there a multitude of possibilities to choose from, especially if you are independently wealthy (which I’m not). With all the STEM initiatives, I guess everyone is jumping on the robotics bandwagon, including manufacturers. Since I am the nerdy-engineer aunt, I am looking at this birthday present as an educational investment – meaning I’d like to find a product that she can build as well as program and that gives her the flexibility to create her own designs. From a practical standpoint, I’d like the product to be fun right out of the box with enough possibilities to hold her interest long-term. This list is not by all means complete, since there are new products popping up every day. I purposefully left off remote-control type robots like Sphero or robots that would be too sophisticated and frustrating for younger kids. But I’m passing along the products I discovered in case you need to go shopping for your own niece or nephew.
LEGO WeDo. Since I’m already a big fan of LEGO (and so is my niece), this system is an obvious choice. It’s buildable, programmable, and compatible with just about every platform (Mac/Windows, Chromebook, iOS, Android). Some people complain that the base kit contains only 1 motor, but LEGO’s online tutorial gives several different gearing designs for utilizing the output from just 1 motor (including 2-wheeled vehicles). I find that incredibly intriguing, not to mention a great think-out-of-the-box learning tool. But I just saw an announcement for LEGO’s new Boost robotics system that’s giving me pause. While I’ve seen some reviews that describe it as more “exciting” than WeDo, I’m not convinced (yet) it will be that much different from the current WeDo system beyond giving you 2 motors and some new sensors. Plus I’m not seeing any Chromebook-compatibility. Unfortunately, I can’t check it out for myself, because Boost isn’t shipping until August 2017.
Dash & Dot. This robot is a bit pricey, but definitely programmable with iOS, Android, or surprisingly Kindle Fire. But these robots come pre-built. There are some interesting accessories you can get to go with them, like a xylophone, ball launcher, and bulldozer bar, but that incurs an additional expense. What baffled me, though, were the building block connectors that will allow you to “snap on LEGO blocks to transform Dash into anything.” Why wouldn’t I just save myself some money and buy a LEGO robotics set to start with???
Ozobot. This tiny, little robot is certainly fascinating. He’s cheap, miniature in size, and programmable with colored markers. Unfortunately, he’s not buildable and I don’t see any long-term creative possibilities. (But that doesn’t mean I’m not intrigued enough to try one out on my own!)
Meccano. Since this robotics kit is modeled after the old erector sets, it is definitely buildable. You even attach the pieces together with real screws. The price isn’t bad, but customer reviews indicate that some models take a long time to build, programming can be confusing, and there may be problems with the system’s power management (battery life). I think this system offers a lot of creative possibilities, but it might be a bit overwhelming for a 4-year old. Meccano gets placed on the back burner until she’s older.
EZ-Robot. This system is comprised of EZ-Bits that you click together to make a robot. Sounds simple, but the bits you are clicking together do things like speech recognition, vision tracking, glyph recognition, GPS tracking – activities that are almost over my head, let alone hers. Again, goes on the shelf for later.
MakeBlock mBot. You have to build this robot, but once it’s put together, I don’t see possibilities for making new designs unless you purchase add-on kits. It is, however, compatible with LEGO (there we go again), so you can get creative that way. This kit does, however, come with 2 motors whereas WeDo only comes with 1. MakeBlock has its own programming app, but it is also compatible with Scratch and Arduino. One of the nice things about their website is that they have 2 free tutorials you can download with lots of getting started activities specifically made for kids.
ZOOB-Bot. This is a very inexpensive kit that you can buy at most retail stores with a toy department. The pieces snap together to create different designs. There is no programming involved, because it is more of a mechanical device with pull-back motors. It’s probably not a bad toy for an afternoon’s enjoyment, but not a long-lasting contender.
4M Tin Can Robot. I’ll have to admit, I already bought one of these kits for my niece. It’s only $10 and has that artsy/craftsy feel to it that I enjoy. You make the robot out of a recycled soda can. It comes with a motor, a couple cams, and some miscellaneous parts for decoration. There isn’t any programming involved and the kit isn’t reusable, but it makes for a silly afternoon of nerdy fun.

Thursday, February 9, 2017


I've been noticing that more and more schools are establishing makerspaces, especially in the library area. A makerspace can be a great place for building robots or designing jewelry or programming an app or coloring a picture. There are no blueprints or rules for a makerspace. A makerspace is simply a DIY area where students can explore, invent, learn, and do something creative with their hands at their own pace in a relaxed, non-threatening environment.

I recently taught a hands-on workshop for teachers on Makerspaces. My goal was to give participants a multitude of simple, inexpensive tips and tricks - ideas for starting their own makerspaces. The activities ranged from high-tech to low-tech, pricey to budget-friendly, and skilled to novice. Contrary to popular opinion, makerspaces are not just about tools (especially 3D printers), but about the possibilities for imagination and creativity - where students are encouraged to improve their tinkering skills and think out-of-the-box.

Here is the agenda I used for the workshop. The times are approximations and would vary depending on the experience and skill-level of your audience.

8:00am  Curiosity Corner:  Raspberry Pi
8:05am  TOOT-Box Warmup:  Marshmallow Towers
8:35am  Topic:  What is a Makerspace?
9:00am  Activity:  Knex Towers
10:00am  Topic:  The Design Process
10:30am  Activity:  Skill Assessment - Using Tools
11:45am  Lunch
12:30pm  STEAM Stimulus:  Zentangles
1:00pm  Topic:  Directed vs Discovery Activities
1:30pm  Activity:  Kite Design

8:00am  Curiosity Corner:  Minecraft
8:05am  TOOT-Box Warmup:  Newspaper Boats
8:35am  Topic:  Sensitivity Considerations - Manual Dexterity
9:00am  Activity:  Finger Knitting
10:00am  Field Trip:  3D Printing at a local library
11:45am  Lunch
12:30pm  STEAM Stimulus:  Geometry in Art
1:00pm  Topic:  Consumable Materials vs Capital Equipment
1:30pm  Activity:  Dollar Store Designs

8:00am  Curiosity Corner:  LEGO Simple Machines
8:05am  TOOT-Box Warmup:  Crash Cushions
8:35am  Topic:  Qualitative vs Quantitative Measurements
9:00am  Activity:  Redesign Crash Cushions
10:00am  Topic:  Evaluation - Sensors or a Bucket of Sand?
10:30am  Activity:  Suspension Bridges
11:45am  Lunch
12:30pm  STEAM Stimulus:  One Word Designs
1:00pm  Topic:  Taking It Outdoors
1:30pm  Activity:  Solar Cars

8:00am  Curiosity Corner:  Motion Maps
8:05am  TOOT-Box Warmup:  House of Cards
8:35am  Topic:  Architectural Design
9:00am  Activity:  AutoCAD Templates
10:00am  Topic:  Architectural Rendering
10:30am  Activity:  Laser Cutting Architectural Models
11:45am  Lunch
12:30pm  STEAM Stimulus:  Cropped Collages
1:00pm  Topic:  Famous Tinkerers
1:30pm  Activity:  Rube Goldberg Marble Roller Coasters 

8:00am  Curiosity Corner:  Makey Makey
8:05am  TOOT-Box Warmup:  PVC Paper Rocket Launchers
8:35am  Topic:  Methods of Assessment
9:00am  Activity:  Squishy Circuits
10:00am  Topic:  Non-traditional Materials
10:30am  Activity:  Conductive Paint Pens
11:45am  Lunch
12:30pm  STEAM Stimulus:  Comics
1:00pm  Topic:  Competitive Tech Coaching
1:30pm  Activity:  Robotic Devices

Each day, I started off the workshop introducing the Curiosity Corner. The materials in this space tended to be higher-priced, technology-oriented electronics - activities that wouldn't appeal to all, but might have been heard of by some. Interested participants could play with the materials whenever they had free time.

The TOOT-Box Warmup (Think-Out-Of-The-Box) was intended partly as an icebreaker (teachers were assigned new partners each day) and partly as a way to accomplish a task with non-traditional materials (such as supporting a marshmallow with spaghetti and a length of string). It was supposed to be a quickie 30-minute activity, but tended to run long, especially when the Type A's started Googling design ideas on their smart phones. It was rewarding, however, when teachers asked questions such as, "Can the marshmallow be in the middle of the tower rather than the top?" or "Can the marshmallow be torn up and used as a joint compound?" In my opinion, that's thinking-out-of-the-box.

The one thing about this workshop (for those who might be considering running their own version), it was incredibly labor and material-intensive. Many of the materials were consumable, meaning you need a fairly hefty budget to purchase enough for everyone or a fairly long lead time to collect them from your kitchen trash. The other issue was the expertise of the participants. It's hard to find a mix of activities that is pertinent and appealing to such a diverse group of individuals. Some teachers could have drawn zentangles all day long; others were bored with it after 10 minutes. If I were running this workshop again, I would probably implement more of the activities as stations, allowing the participants a greater choice in the structure of their day. That would probably go a lot farther in creating that "relaxed, non-threatening environment."